The symbol you find so intriging represents all that
is experienced in transcendence, trance, overdrive. It symbolizes
all that is outside of Time as we know it. It signifies all that
has been transformed by the inherent beauty and power of the cosmos.
Each metaphysical construct resonates to its own harmonic
counterpart, an etheric double, existing both independently
and symbiotically on a more telepathic level. Inverting the
paradox, context may then replicate, accelerate or mutate
toward an optimum state of synergy and synchronicity.
The symbol that keeps reappearing in your mind is a symbol for
the Subconscious, for all that is beyond comprehension. It is not
a hallucination. It represents that which comprises the primary
flow of reality, the occutic counterflow within. Divination.
Within the most daring and recondite episteme of the known
universe are clusters of esoteric perceptae, rotating and
revolving around azure overtones, organizing for brief moments
as exotic patterns of organic energy, forming the essential
fabric of the premonitory whole.
The symbol you are compelled to inquire further about represents
a unique state of mind, an intelligence inspired and propelled
by art in its highest form. Music. It symbolizes the departure
from the lexical world, the divine connection between
mind and universe. Teleos.
Soon after the advent of the psychoacoustical age, a new
emphasis was placed on the intutive arts, imaginative
intelligence, the valhala scriptures, and the meaning and
scope of the aesthetic equation. Reality is the ongoing,
predicative manifestation of transdimensional causality.
The sounds you hear are not of this realm - they originate
in another dimension. They are the result of emanations within
the dreamscape being transposed to the audible. The vertigo you
are now experiencing will soon pass. Do not be alarmed. The symbol
appearing before you now in hologram represents a higher ethic,
beyond good and evil, right and wrong, the awareness of a higher
perpose. From inside, the symbol appears as a myriad of pyschedelic
mandalas, in perpetual motion, emitting a sub-space frequency,
the whole of which produces a striking aural display. Follow my voice.
In the other beginning, there were hundreds of thousands of
subluminous frequencies aswirl in a vast ocean of gestalten
potential. Over imponderable amounts of time, these ubiquitous
frequencies evolved into orchestral waveforms which in
time would crystallize into tangible actualities, all for the divine
expression of the cosmic wherewithall.
In the pictograph to the above right, you see the image of what
appears to be two guitars crossing, with two figures below.
In the background is the correct rendition of the night sky.
The inscription at the bottom of the pictograph, recently decoded,
makes a reference to time travel, telepathy, transmutation.
The last line translates, "This is Evolution"
Information continues to feed in at the rate commensurate
to the ratioof assimilation to inspiration. Turning the human mirror
one third to the right, science and sensation meet at phase
transition, recalibrating and recalcuating the zensations within
each parsec of genius. Panning and pulsing, the joke lives.....
Your attention to the far wall please. This is the view from
just outside your galaxy. You are here. Shifting, this is the
view from near the center of your galaxy, the one you will one
day rename Copernicus. Shifting again, this is the view from your
earth. You exist in a unique part of space, in the middle of a
spirit filled channel, current, zone. Your earth is an outpost
in an enchanted, enviable part of the Universe. Both the earth
and the visible stars are you home. This is Outer Space.
Know this......
In the Oysterstar Treatise, mind and music interact to produce
a much more colorful, dynamic, and rewarding sense of Self.
Time is thus experienced in octahedra, euphonia, and mystagoga.
The music you now hear is from another side of reality, another
era. It encompasses and expresses all the elements represented
by the symbol. Both the music and the symbol share the same
cryptic origin. Again, the view from just outside your galaxy.
The symbol you will dream about represents a rare knowledge,
a planetary awareness, a understanding of the forces of the
supernatural world. It is a holy symbol, signifying the power
of the mind, supercharged by music, and aligned to the power
of the cosmos. No limits, no barriers, only possibilities. Logos.
It is the symbol for the Future.....